Evan Keane 15/12/2014 This directory contains data from 7 archival FRBs FRB010125 FRB010621 FRB010724 FRB110220 FRB110626 FRB110703 FRB120127 For these FRBs there are the following: scamp_files For the first 3 FRBs only there are SCAMP dat files (not presto dat files!) for all 13 beams for the pointing, as produced by sc_td when reading these data from the original DLT magnetic tapes the survey was recorded on, or on the dd'd images from those same tapes. fil_files Full sigproc filterbank files for all 13 beams for the pointing ar_files 2-second psrchive PSRFITS files centred around the FRB time, with full time and frequency resolution. ascii_files Ascii headers (the output from psredit run on the .ar files). For the first 3 FRBs there are 2-second frequency-time-amplitude data cubes at raw resolution (0.125, 0.250 and 1.000 ms, respectively), and 4-ms resolution. Ascii versions of the BPSR FRBs are not included, but a simple csh script entitled ascii_cube.csh, which is included, can be run to create them.